Aura Pure-Revival Essence 高效复新精华素
Aura Pure-Revival Essence 高效复新精华素 Serums Penang, Malaysia Services, Professional, Specialist, Expert | Rubeaus Sdn Bhd
(Hydrating Ampulse) – 适合所有肌肤 suitable for all skin type

此款珍贵的高纯增强精华素注入了迷失香,桦木,百里香精华,能够有效瞬间 舒缓肌肤敏感性和镇 定发红。它同时富含款冬&马尾草提取物,以减少发炎症, 用作抗菌剂,以帮助肌肤复新和愈合功 效。每日有效为所有敏感肤质者抵御重 金属和污染物碳,提供瞬间缓解的功效。
A signature best-seller for those with sensitive skin. This precious pure enhancing essence is infused with rosemary, birch & thyme extracts to instantly soothes skin sensitivity and calms redness. Also contains a rich dose of coltsfoot & horsetail extract to minimize inflammation, act as an anti-bacterial agent & receive an anti- microbial treatment to aid skin revival and healing. An effective daily defence against heavy metals and carbon pollutants providing all sensitive skin types an instant relief.
  • 镇定舒缓 Calm and soothe
  • 抗炎,抗菌 Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial
  • 增强皮肤弹性 Enhance skin elasticity
  • 修复的皮肤组织 Repaired skin tissue
  • 减少细纹,皱纹 Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • 延缓衰老 Anti-aging
  • 高效保湿,补水 Efficient moisturizing, hydrating
  • 改善皮肤营养代谢 Improve skin nutrient metabolism
  • 消肿 Reduce swelling
  • 迅速渗透皮肤 Quickly penetrates the skin


檸檬百里香萃取物與皮膚細胞進行培養,它可明顯刺激角朊細胞活性。具有鎖 水和保護天然保濕因 子完整性的功效。它還可刺激彈性微纖維界面蛋白 (emilin)的分泌,這種微蛋白佔皮膚成份的 0.3%。在 30 或 35 歲時,成纖維 細胞就會停止生成彈性微纖維界面蛋白。促進血液循環,改善細胞交換。
Cultured with skin cells, which significantly stimulates keratinocyte activity. It has the effect of locking water and protecting the integrity of natural moisturizing factors. It also stimulates the secretion of the elastic microfibril interface protein (emilin), which accounts for 0.3% of the skin's composition. At 30 or 35 years of age, fibroblasts stop producing elastic microfibril interface proteins. Promotes blood circulation and improves cell exchange.


可作抗氧化剂;能够活化细胞芳香化酶和组织蛋白酶以提高皮层局部雌激素水 平,增强皮肤细胞新陈代谢,有抗衰作用,可维持皮肤弹性和抗皱;具有抗炎, 防敏舒缓和收敛的作用;同时还有良好的持水能力。
Hamamelis Virginiana contains tannin, the most important healing property of this herb. anti-inflammatory effects. It also contains antioxidants that help prevent widespread inflammation and neutralize free radicals, which are disease-causing compounds that can build up in your body. Effectively reduce inflammation and help soothe your skin. It was able to provide relief for sensitive or irritated facial skin, believed to help treat the itching, redness, pain and swelling associated with haemorrhoids due to its anti-inflammatory effects.


欧蓍草提取物具有强烈抗菌性能,结合它的抗炎性,可用于粉刺的治疗;欧蓍 草提取物对弹性蛋白 酶的抑制,兼之对表皮角质细胞的增殖作用,具有恢复皮 肤纤维组织的弹性、平衡及加快皮肤细胞新陈代谢的功能,可在抗皱化妆品中 应用;提取物还有一定的美白功效。
Achillea Mille folium Extract helps the skin to maintain its strength and elasticity, resulting in a more youthful appearance. able to reduce abnormal pigmentation associated with aging and exposure to UV light.astringent qualities that help tighten the skin, giving the eye area a fresh, taught appearance


款冬防止微生物功能,使皮肤看起来更年轻。它的抗菌特性和款冬最常用于减 轻炎症
Coltsfoot safeguards against microbial function and makes the skin look younger. Its anti-bacterial properties and Coltsfoot is most commonly used to reduce inflammation

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