Aura Hydro Aloe+ Cleanse 高效芦荟精华补水保湿洁面乳
Aura Hydro Aloe+ Cleanse 高效芦荟精华补水保湿洁面乳 Cleanser Penang, Malaysia Services, Professional, Specialist, Expert | Rubeaus Sdn Bhd
(适合所有肤) (Suitable for all skin type)

此款纯天然洁肤凝胶内含芦荟提取物的配方,能够针对敏感肌肤的薄弱之处和 受损的细胞,做出有 效的修复和保护功效。它完美地渗透肌肤内层,深入毛孔 扫除污秽,皮脂和杂质,进而用、创造一 个干净清新,水润亮泽,活力光彩的 肌肤外观
Formulated with Aloe Vera extracts, this natural cleansing gel works beautifully on weak sensitive skin in repairing and protecting damaged cells. Perfectly infiltrates deep into pores sweeping away dirt, sebum and impurities to create a clean freshness, moisturize and radiant skin appearance!


积雪草是一种中草药,多年生草本,俗称植物胶原蛋白,具有促进皮肤胶原蛋 白再生,增强细胞基 底层细胞活力,保持肌肤弹性及紧实;抗氧化,抑制自由 基活性,调节肌肤免疫力;淡化黑色素沉着, 更新肌肤细胞再生;增加肌肤保水 度,活化更新肌肤细胞;抗敏防护作用,保护肌肤免受外界伤害.
It improves circulation as well as the synthesis of collagen and skin tissue. especially beneficial for improving elasticity, boosts antioxidant activity at the site of wounds, strengthening the skin and increasing blood circulation.


芦荟提取物的功效主要是可以满足于肌肤的水分补充,另外,在选择在的过程 中也能够体会到芦荟 的杀菌止痒的效果。 It has polysaccharides that give hydrating, anti-inflammatory benefits and allow for aloe to give a protective barrier on the skin


维生素 B5 的加氢产物。主要作为保湿剂以及柔软剂,被皮肤吸收后可以增加 皮肤中透明质酸的含 量,没有安全性等争议,用得非常广泛 。属于渗透性保 湿剂,可以直接浸润角质层,达到保湿的效 果,按文献报告指出:维生素原 B5 可增进纤维芽细胞的增生,所以有协助皮肤组织修复的功能。5%的维生素 原 B5 水溶液,无任何粘腻感。而一般加入保养品或保湿制品中的比率在 0.5% 以下,所以几乎不觉得有负担。
Treat skin, repairing the damage done by minor burns. Helping to hydrate skin, and also to soothe, Panthenol also works towards stopping itching and possible irritations too. When Panthenol is applied topically, it penetrates into lower skin layers, is absorbed into skin cells and processed into Pantothenic Acid (commonly known as Vitamin B5). Because it is absorbed deeply into the skin, it adds essential moisture.


甘油是重要的护肤成分之一,它属于小分子保湿成分,在多元醇的保湿剂中, 以甘油的保湿效果较为显着,可将水分留在角质层. 1 克的甘油可吸附 0.6 克的
水,在湿度高的环境下,甘油的保湿效果较佳,它有助于保持皮肤的屏障,通 过从空气中吸收水分来帮助皮肤锁水,防止皮肤干燥和生鳞屑。
Glycerin works to moisturize the skin by drawing water from the air into the skin's outer layer. It also forms a protective layer that helps prevent moisture loss. help create a barrier against water loss and stop the water from evaporating out of your

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